Back to topBRING MATH (BRIdges for the Next Generation: MATHematical Science Research and Our Future) is a two-day conference for undergraduates interested in the mathematical sciences. It is a collaboration between IMSI and the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory, and will be hosted at Argonne, which is located in Lemont, Illinois.
The purpose of the conference is multifold.
- BRING MATH will expose students and faculty to research in the mathematical sciences at Argonne, and to help them understand its real world applications.
- It is intended to increase students’ interest in the mathematical sciences and broaden their access to opportunities to pursue that interest.
- It is intended to help diversify the mathematical science community.
- It will educate students about summer opportunities available to them.
- It will help students learn about career opportunities in the mathematical sciences and how to pursue them.
The activities during BRING MATH are likely to include
- dedicated sessions on research at Argonne,
- tours of Argonne facilities such as the Advanced Photon Source, the Center for Nanoscale Materials, the Aurora and Polaris supercomputers, and the Rapid Prototyping Lab,
- networking opportunities with researchers at Argonne, and
- a panel on career paths in the mathematical sciences.
Eligibility: This event is open to undergraduates at U.S. colleges and universities, and to faculty who wish to accompany a group of students from their institution to this event. Students from groups that are historically underrepresented in the mathematical sciences are strongly encouraged to apply.
Financial support: IMSI is able to offer financial support to cover travel and lodging for participants whose applications are accepted. Housing will be provided at a hotel near Argonne.
Access to Argonne: There are a number of requirements for visitors to gain access to Argonne. These requirements include presenting an acceptable form of identification and, in the case of non-U.S. citizens, prior approval for your visit through the Foreign National Access Program (FNAP) Office. Visitors must, in addition, comply with Argonne protocols related to COVID-19 which are in place at the time of the workshop; those protocols may require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test. Detailed information about requirements for visitors are available on the Argonne Site Entry Requirements page. Participants who are accepted for this workshop will be informed of the requirements them which pertain to them at the time of acceptance.
Deadlines: Applications from students and faculty who wish to attend are due no later than June 28, 2024. As part of their applications, students are asked to request a letter of recommendation from a faculty member who knows them and can speak to their potential to benefit from this event; those letters are due by July 6, 2024. If your application is accepted, offers of financial support will be made when you are informed of the decision.
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Rooms E1100/E1200, and Lower Gallery
Group A: Emerging Technologies
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Group B: Energy & Climate Applications
Building 402, E1100/E1200
Group A: Tour Rapid Prototyping Laboratory and then Tour Aurora Exascale Supercomputer & Polaris Supercomputer
Group B: Tour Aurora Exascale Supercomputer & Polaris Supercomputer and then Tour Rapid Prototyping Laboratory
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Rooms E1100 & E1200, and Lower Gallery
Group A: Energy & Climate Applications
Building 402, E1100/E1200
Group B: Emerging Technologies
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Rooms E1100 & E1200, and Lower Gallery
Group A: Perseverance in the Internship Application Process
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Group B: Creating and Maintaining an Effective LinkedIn ProfileBuilding 402, E1100/E1200
Group A: Advanced Photon Source and then Center for Nanoscale Materials
Group B: Center for Nanoscale Materials and then Advanced Photon Source
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Rooms E1100 & E1200, and Lower Gallery
Group A: Creating and Maintaining an Effective LinkedIn Profile
Building 402, E1100/E1200
Group B: Perseverance in the Internship Application Process
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Building 402, Lower Gallery
Back to topThe application for this event has closed.