IMSI will typically host one or more week-long Research Collaboration Workshops (RCWs) per year devoted to active collaboration by small teams to advance research projects within the scope of Institute themes. The goal of the workshop is for each team to obtain a new mathematical result via work performed before and during the workshop. Each team will have two senior leaders and two to four junior members. During the RCW, the time will be devoted to working within teams, except for short beginning and ending presentations by each team. The presentations are expected to facilitate interactions between the teams during common breaks. After the RCW, each team is expected to publish an article based on their joint research.
Each long program at IMSI will be encouraged to organize an associated RCW with many team leaders likely coming from program participants. Standalone RCW proposals may also be considered.
Team leaders will propose research projects, and IMSI staff will support the application process for junior team members. We expect most RCWs will focus on at least one outreach or diversity goal: for example, broadening participation from underrepresented minority (URM) groups, faculty from primarily undergraduate institutions, or faculty who are dramatically changing their research focus. RCWs should be designed to support collaboration, productivity, and leadership development. These RCWs are modeled after the Research Collaboration Conferences for Women (RCCW) supported by the AWM NSF ADVANCE grant as well as other similar programs. The Research Networks Committee may provide support for developing RCW proposals.
Proposals for standalone Research Collaboration Workshops should include the following elements:
- Title of the workshop
- Scientific description: A description of the topic for the workshop in terms accessible to a general audience of mathematical scientists. What are the goals for the workshop, and why is the topic timely?
- Abstract: A brief description of the workshop, suitable for advertising it.
- Diversity and outreach goals: In what ways will the workshop broaden participation in the mathematical sciences?
- Organizing committee: A list of proposed organizers, identifying a primary contact.
- Proposed team leaders: A list of proposed team leaders, including any information available about willingness to participate. The list does not need to be complete at the time the proposal is considered.
- Proposed length: How long should the workshop be?
- Preferred timing: What preferences or constraints do the organizers have for scheduling the workshop?
- Support from the Institute: What forms of support will be needed from the Institute during the period leading up to the workshop?
- Additional funding sources: Are there additional funding sources that might help support the workshop?
RCW proposals can be sent to . They will be considered by the Directors and the Scientific Advisory Committee, and revisions may be requested. Typically, proposals for RCWs typically should be approved a year or more in advance. Once proposals are approved, the Director will set the budget. Registration for workshops is managed through the Institute.