IMSI Policy on Recording and Sharing Information
IMSI’s mission includes an imperative for wide dissemination of the results of institute activity. As a consequence, we record lectures and panels given at IMSI (either in person or virtually) whenever possible, and those videos are shared on the institute website along with slides or other relevant material provided to us by speakers. This is intended to expand the audience for institute activity, and to open possibilities for continued impact long after the event. However, we respect the preferences of speakers in these matters, and will abide by the following policies:
- Any speaker may opt out of having their talk recorded. Speakers will be offered an opportunity to opt out of being recorded in advance of their talk, typically through an online form. IMSI will accede to any such request if we receive it at least 24 hours before the event begins.
- Any panelist may opt out of being in a publicly shared video of a panel. Depending on the circumstances, we may either respond to such a request by not recording the panel at all, or by recording and editing in such a way that the panelist(s) who do not wish to be recorded do not appear any publicly shared version. Panelists will be offered an opportunity to opt out of being in a publicly shared video of a panel before the panel takes place. IMSI will accede to any such request if we receive it at least 24 hours before the event begins.
- Speakers and panelists may choose to provide ancillary material such as slides, lecture notes, or articles to be shared with the video.
- Speakers and panelists may request that their images and/or ancillary material not be shared or that the audience be restricted at any point after an event has taken place, provided that they have not agreed to a license for the video and/or other material that places it irrevocably in the public domain. IMSI will make a good faith effort to accede to such requests.
- Publicly shared information about speakers and panelists on our website may include affiliations, abstracts of talks, links to websites, biographical material, ORCID iDs, and similar material. When asked to do so, IMSI will make a good faith effort to remove material which is not in the public domain.
- Participants in online events who are not speakers or panelists may appear briefly in videos of those events, and may have their comments included in chat transcripts. We take their decision to participate in such an event as implied consent to sharing of videos and transcripts of the event.
- IMSI retains the right to decide not to share any specific video or document.