Recent Videos

Materials Informatics Hands On – Wednesday, March 13

March 13, 2024

Introduction to materials databases and NOMAD

Claudia Draxl
March 12, 2024

Materials Informatics Hands On – Tuesday, March 12

March 12, 2024

From data to the extreme properties of ultra-high-temperature ceramics

Stefano Curtarolo 
March 12, 2024

The Importance of Publishing Everything, and How MDF Can Help

Logan Ward and K.J. Schmidt
March 12, 2024

Materials Informatics Hands On – Monday Afternoon, March 11

March 11, 2024

Overview of classical ML: classification methods and decision trees

Cong Ma
March 11, 2024

Overview of classical ML: unsupervised learning and regularized regression

Luca Ghiringhelli
March 11, 2024

Materials Informatics Hands On – Monday Morning, March 11

March 11, 2024