Recent Videos

Kinetic aspects to the axisymmetric mirror as a fusion reactor

Cary Forest
February 19, 2024

Fast policy learning for linear quadratic control with entropy regularization

Xin Guo
February 8, 2024

Markov decision processes and mean-field games with costly and delayed information

Christoph Reisinger
February 8, 2024

Bass Local Volatility model

Beatrice Acciaio
February 8, 2024

Mean-Field Approximations in Heterogeneous N-Player Games

Anran Hu
February 8, 2024

How Should Climate Change Uncertainty Impact Social Valuation and Policy?

Lars Hansen
February 7, 2024

Cascading Risks and Sensitivity in Economic Networks

Andreea Minca
February 7, 2024

Asset pricing under climate scenario uncertainty and model ambiguity

Peter Tankov
February 7, 2024

Recent advances in auction markets design and regulation policies

Thibault Mastrolia
February 7, 2024