Recent Videos

Different Mediums for Different Audiences: A Capstone Case Study

Suraj Rampure
January 12, 2024

Evaluating Students’ Code as a Learning Product

Allison Theobold
January 11, 2024

Teaching creative and practical data science at scale

Shannon Ellis
January 11, 2024

Effective communication as a learning objective in an intermediate statistics course

Maria Tackett
January 11, 2024

They need to learn how to Write: Teaching Written Communications to STEM Undergraduate Students

Ramona Naddaff
January 11, 2024

Feedback for Learning

Kelly Spoon
January 11, 2024

Communicating Statistics – “non”-Statistical Activities to Build Statistical Understanding

Yue Jiang
January 10, 2024

Supporting Student Writing and Reasoning in Data Science Using a Scalable Automated Feedback System

David Brown, Suguru Ishizaki, Michael Laudenbach
January 10, 2024

Data communication at the University of St Thomas

Amelia McNamara
January 10, 2024