Recent Videos

Adventures in Interfacial Chemistry: Prospects and Challenges Across Scales

Benjamin Doughty
February 28, 2022

Mathematical AI for drug design

Kelin Xia
February 28, 2022

Graph Analytics in the Accelerator-enabled Exascale Era

Mahantesh Halappanavar
February 28, 2022

Using Critical Phenomena Theory to Unravel Structure and Dynamics in Chemical Separations

Michael Servis
February 28, 2022

Navigating complex energy landscapes: Can ML help us climb mountains?

Sapna Sarupria
February 28, 2022

In Situ Molecular Imaging of Biological and Environmental Soft Matter

Xiao-Ying Yu
February 28, 2022

Multiscale Microbial Communities: Working group updates and discussion

February 24, 2022

Inference for metapopulation dynamics

Ed Ionides
February 22, 2022

Diving into the Dark Matter of Mobile Genetic Elements in Microbial Communities

Fengzhu Sun
February 22, 2022