Computational Challenges and Optimization in Kinetic Plasma Physics

February 19 — 22, 2024


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Nuclear fusion holds immense promise as a source of clean, safe, and sustainable energy.  Critical to the development path for fusion are cutting-edge capabilities in computer simulations, computer-aided design, and optimization.  While recent advances in simulations, multi-scale analysis, PDE-constrained optimization, global optimization, and machine learning have been transformative for the fusion field, characterization of kinetic plasma physics and associated transport processes remains a grand challenge when it comes to advancement of fusion reactor designs.  This workshop brings together computational physicists and applied mathematicians to establish and foster active interdisciplinary collaboration to address computational challenges and optimization in kinetic plasma physics.

This workshop will include lightning talks and a poster session for early career researchers (including graduate students). If accepted, you will be asked to do both. In order to propose a lightning session talk and a poster, you must first register for the workshop, and then submit a proposal using the form that will become available on this page after you register. The registration form should not be used to propose a lightning session talk or poster.

The deadline for proposing is January 7, 2024. If your proposal is accepted, you should plan to attend the event in-person.


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Antoine Cerfon Type One Energy Group, Inc.
Lukas Einkemmer University of Innsbruck
Qin Li University of Wisconsin, Madison
Genia Vogman Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


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Emily Belli General Atomics
Russ Caflisch New York University (NYU)
Luis Chacon Los Alamos National Laboratory
Andrew Christlieb Michigan State University
Nicolas Crouseilles INRIA
Ionut Farcas University of Texas, Austin, Oden Institute
Cary Forest University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ilon Joseph Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
James Juno Princeton Plasma Physics Lab
Noah Mandell Princeton University
Lorenzo Pareschi Heriot Watt University
Elizabeth Paul Columbia University
Jing-Mei Qiu University of Delaware
Lee Ricketson Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mark Sherlock Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Uri Shumlak University of Washington
Paul Terry University of Wisconsin, Madison
Li Wang University of Minnesota
Erika Ye Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


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Monday, February 19, 2024
9:00-9:40 CST

Antoine Cerfon (Type One Energy Group, Inc.), Lukas Einkemmer (University of Innsbruck), Qin Li (University of Wisconsin, Madison), and Genia Vogman (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

9:40-10:10 CST
Coffee Break
10:10-10:50 CST
Capturing Kinetic Physics through Reduced and Hybrid Continuum Plasma Models

Speaker: Uri Shumlak (University of Washington)

10:50-10:55 CST
Tech Break
10:55-11:35 CST
Modeling and optimization of Alfvenic instabilities in 3D magnetic fields

Speaker: Elizabeth Paul (Columbia University)

11:35-13:00 CST
Lunch Break
13:00-13:40 CST
Exascale Simulation Methods for Complex Multiscale Turbulence in the Tokamak Edge Pedestal

Speaker: Emily Belli (General Atomics)

13:40-13:45 CST
Tech Break
13:45-14:25 CST
Kinetic aspects to the axisymmetric mirror as a fusion reactor

Speaker: Cary Forest (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

14:25-14:55 CST
Coffee Break
14:55-15:30 CST
Lightning Talks
  • Andrew Ho, Techniques for accelerating continuum kinetic plasma simulations using GPUs
  • Guillaume Le Bars, FENNECS: a flexible code to simulate non-neutral plasmas trapped in Penning-like annular potential wells
  • Yukun Yue, Control of Instability in a Vlasov-Poisson System
  • Dimitrios Kaltsas, Using Dirac constraints to enforce quasineutrality in Maxwell-Vlasov dynamics
  • Peiyi Chen, Reconstructing Phonon Relaxation Time from the Phonon Transport Equation
  • Rostislav-Paul Wilhem, Discussion of potentials and draw-backs of using the Numerical Flow Iteration to solve the Vlasov equation
  • Milan Holec, Lorentz transformation framework for computationally efficient Boltzmann transport
  • Antoine Hoffman, Multifidelity gyrokinetic turbulence simulations using a moment-based approach
  • Kai Schneider, Zooming into Vlasov–Poisson using a Characteristic Mapping Method
15:30-16:30 CST
Poster Session 1 & Social Hour
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
9:00-9:40 CST
Low Rank Time Integrators for Solving Time-Dependent PDEs

Speaker: Jing-Mei Qiu (University of Delaware)

9:40-10:10 CST
Coffee Break
10:10-10:40 CST
Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for multiscale collisional plasmas with uncertainties

Speaker: Lorenzo Pareschi (Heriot Watt University)

10:50-10:55 CST
Tech Break
10:55-11:25 CST
New perspectives on inverse problems: stochasticity and Monte Carlo method

Speaker: Li Wang (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)

11:30-13:00 CST
Lunch Break
13:00-14:20 CST
Panel Discussion

Panelists: Antoine Cerfon (Type One Energy Group, Inc.), Cary Forest (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Gloria Marí-Beffa (University of Wisconsin, Madison), and Uri Shumlak (University of Washington)

14:25-14:55 CST
Coffee Break
14:55-15:30 CST
Lightning Talks
  • Hamad El Kahza, Low Rank Krylov-based Implicit Time Integrators for Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Kinetic Models
  • Stefan Schnake, An Adaptive Sparse Grid Discretization (ASGarD) for High-dimensional Kinetic Problems
  • Jack Coughlin, Robust conservative dynamical low-rank approximation via a novel macro-micro decomposition
  • Fabio Cassini, Efficient 6D Vlasov simulation using the dynamical low-rank framework Ensign
  • Martina Pruger, Exponential Integrators for the Drift-Kinetic Equation
  • Pranab Deka, Exponential methods for Anisotropic Diffusion
  • Federica Ferrarese, Control plasma instabilities via an external magnetic field in a Vlasov-Poisson system
  • Jiaxing Liang, Efficient Computational Algorithms for the Grad-Shafranov Free Boundary Problem
15:30-16:30 CST
Poster Session 2 & Social Hour
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
9:00-9:40 CST
A 2D-2P multiscale semi-Lagrangian algorithm for fast electron transport in the relativistic Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation

Speaker:  Luis Chacon (Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL))

9:40-10:10 CST
Coffee Break
10:10-10:50 CST
Structure-exploiting sparse grid approximations for efficient uncertainty quantification and surrogate model construction

Speaker: Ionut Farcas (University of Texas, Austin)

10:50-10:55 CST
Tech Break
10:55-11:35 CST
Exponential integrators for Vlasov equations

Speaker: Nicolas Crouseilles (INRIA)

11:35-13:00 CST
Lunch Break
13:00-13:40 CST
What it will take to do first principles optimal design of fusion

Speaker: Andrew Christlieb (Michigan State University)

13:40-13:45 CST
Tech Break
13:45-14:25 CST
Kinetic Modeling of the Interaction of Global Unstable Tearing Modes, Zonal Flows, and Microturbulence

Speaker: Paul Terry (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

14:25-15:00 CST
Coffee Break
15:00-15:40 CST
Stellarator profile prediction using the T3D+GX+KNOSOS multi-scale gyrokinetic framework

Speaker: Noah Mandell (Princeton Plasma Physics Lab)

Thursday, February 22, 2024
9:00-9:40 CST
Guiding Center and Gyrokinetic Theory for Strong Electric Fields and Shear Flows

Speaker: Ilon Joseph (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

9:40-10:10 CST
Coffee Break
10:10-10:50 CST
An Adjoint Method for the Boltzmann Equation

Speaker: Russ Caflisch (New York University)

10:50-10:55 CST
Tech Break
10:55-11:35 CST
Coupling Vlasov-Fokker-Planck to Radiation-Hydrodynamics for Electron Transport

Speaker: Mark Sherlock (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

11:35-13:00 CST
Lunch Break
13:00-13:40 CST
Quantized tensor trains for solving the Vlasov-Maxwell equations

Speaker: Erika Ye (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

13:40-13:45 CST
Tech Break
13:45-14:25 CST
On Asymptotic Kinetic and Moment Models and their Numerics in Strong Magnetic Fields

Speaker: James Juno (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

14:25-15:00 CST
Coffee Break
15:00-15:40 CST
Implicit, asymptotic-preserving and energy-conserving time integration for particle-in-cell simulation of plasmas with arbitrary magnetization

Speaker: Lee Ricketson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Poster Session

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The posters that have been submitted in advance for the poster session are available on the poster session page.


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Capturing Kinetic Physics through Reduced and Hybrid Continuum Plasma Models

Uri Shumlak
February 19, 2024

Modeling and optimization of Alfvenic instabilities in 3D magnetic fields

Elizabeth Paul
February 19, 2024

Exascale Simulation Methods for Complex Multiscale Turbulence in the Tokamak Edge Pedestal

Emily Belli
February 19, 2024

Kinetic aspects to the axisymmetric mirror as a fusion reactor

Cary Forest
February 19, 2024

Kinetic Plasma Physics Lightning Talks – Monday

February 19, 2024

Low Rank Time Integrators for Solving Time-Dependent PDEs

Jing-Mei Qiu
February 20, 2024

Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for multiscale collisional plasmas with uncertainties

Lorenzo Pareschi
February 20, 2024

New perspectives on inverse problems: stochasticity and Monte Carlo method

Li Wang
February 20, 2024

Panel Discussion: Kinetic Plasma Physics

Antoine Cerfon, Cary Forest, Gloria Marí-Beffa, Uri Shumlak
February 20, 2024

Kinetic Plasma Physics Lightning Talks – Tuesday

February 20, 2024

A 2D-2P multiscale semi-Lagrangian algorithm for fast electron transport in the relativistic Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation

Luis Chacon
February 21, 2024

Structure-exploiting sparse grid approximations for efficient uncertainty quantification and surrogate model construction

Ionut Farcas
February 21, 2024

Exponential integrators for Vlasov equations

Nicolas Crouseilles
February 21, 2024

What it will take to do first principles optimal design of fusion

Andrew Christlieb
February 21, 2024

Kinetic Modeling of the Interaction of Global Unstable Tearing Modes, Zonal Flows, and Microturbulence

Paul Terry
February 21, 2024

Stellarator profile prediction using the T3D+GX+KNOSOS multi-scale gyrokinetic framework

Noah Mandell
February 21, 2024

Guiding Center and Gyrokinetic Theory for Strong Electric Fields and Shear Flows

Ilon Joseph
February 22, 2024

An Adjoint Method for the Boltzmann Equation

Russ Caflisch
February 22, 2024

Coupling Vlasov-Fokker-Planck to Radiation-Hydrodynamics for Electron Transport

Mark Sherlock
February 22, 2024

Quantized tensor trains for solving the Vlasov-Maxwell equations

Erika Ye
February 22, 2024

On Asymptotic Kinetic and Moment Models and their Numerics in Strong Magnetic Fields

James Juno
February 22, 2024

Implicit, asymptotic-preserving and energy-conserving time integration for particle-in-cell simulation of plasmas with arbitrary magnetization

Lee Ricketson
February 22, 2024