Back to topClimate change is well-recognized as an important economic, social, and political challenge. To develop meaningful quantitative models that guide prudent policymaking requires methods that quantify the pertinent uncertainty and approaches to incorporate them into the assessment of alternative courses of action. This workshop will bring together decision theorists, geoscientists and economists to discuss recent advances in stochastic modeling, uncertainty quantification and applications to the economics of climate change.
This workshop is co-sponsored by the Macro Finance Research Program.
Back to topThe University of Chicago
Departments of Economics, Statistics and the Booth School of Business
Back to topSchedule
Back to topSpeaker: Simone Cerreia-Vioglio (Bocconi University)
Collaborators: Fabio Maccheroni, Bocconi University and Massimo Marinacci, Bocconi University
Speaker: Michael Ghil (UCLA & Ecole Normale Superieure Paris)
Speaker: Jose Scheinkman (Columbia University)
Collaborators: Juliano Assunção, Pontifícia Universidade Católic do Rio de Janeiro and Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago
Speaker: Ishan Nath (Princeton University)
With the Climate Impact Lab (Project Lead): Kelly McCusker, Ian Bolliger, Tamma Carleton, Michael Delgado, Michael Greenstone,Trevor Houser, Solomon Hsiang, Andrew Hultgren, Amir Jina, Robert Kopp, James Rising, and Ashwin Rode
Speaker: Michael Barnett (Arizona State University)
Collaborators: William A. Brock, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Lars Peter Hansen, University of Chicago
Speaker: Simon Scheidegger (HEC Lausanne)
Collaborators: Felix Kubler, University of Zurich; Swiss Finance Institute, Professor of Financial Economics; Aleksandra Malova, HEC Lausanne, Graduate Assistant; Takafumi Usui, University of Zürich, Postdoctoral Researcher
Speaker: Neng Wang (Columbia Business School)
Collaborators: Harrison Hong, Columbia University and NBER; and Jinqiang Yang, Shanghai University of Finance & Economics (SUFE)
Speaker: Martin Schneider (Stanford University)
Collaborators: Monika Piazzesi, Stanford University and Melina Papoutsi, ECB
Back to topA Math Framework for Uncertainty in Climate Change: Nonautonomous & Random Dynamical Systems
Michael Ghil
April 13, 2022
How Should Climate Change Uncertainty Impact Social Valuation and Policy
Michael Barnett
April 14, 2022
Global Uncertainty Quantification in a Stochastic Climate-Economy Model
Simon Scheidegger
April 14, 2022