Recent Videos

From Geometry to Topology: Inverse Theorems for Distributed Persistence

Elchanan Solomon
April 26, 2021

Algebraic Wasserstein distance between persistence modules

Katharine Turner
April 26, 2021

Discrete Morse-based graph reconstruction and data analysis

Yusu Wang
April 26, 2021

Ephemeral persistence modules and distance comparison

Nicholas Berkouk
April 26, 2021

Some Recent Insights on Transfer-Learning

Samory Kpotufe
April 16, 2021

Information-directed Exploration in Bandits and Reinforcement Learning

Andreas Krause
April 16, 2021

The Mysteries of Adversarial Robustness for Non-parametric Methods and Neural Networks

Kamalika Chaudhuri
April 16, 2021

Sampling Beyond Log-concavity

Andrej Risteski
April 15, 2021

Learning in Graph Neural Networks

Stefanie Jegelka
April 15, 2021