Recent Videos

Learning compositional structure from data

Bryon Aragam 
November 7, 2023

Identifiability of Statistical Models with Latent Symmetries

Leonard Schulman 
November 7, 2023

Confidence Sets for Causal Orderings

Mladen Kolar
November 7, 2023

Community Detection with Censoring

Souvik Dhara 
November 7, 2023

Supply Network Formation and Fragility

Ben Golub  
November 6, 2023

Relaxing Independence

Geert Mesters 
November 6, 2023

Game theory of undirected graphical models

Irem Portakal
November 6, 2023

Justice, Equity and the Circular Economy

Weslynne Ashton 
November 6, 2023

The ML degrees and RML degrees of Brownian motion tree models

Aida Maraj
October 13, 2023